Members Eve 2-12-15

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Members Eve 2-12-15

Postby Tina » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 20:00

A big thank you to Keith, Paul and Tom for a very enjoyable and informative evening.
I learnt lots and now need to update my software and acquire a flash or two!
See you all next week.
Tina x
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Paul Heester
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Re: Members Eve 2-12-15

Postby Paul Heester » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 20:20

Thank you Tina.

A number of people were interested in my wireless flash triggers last night and I vaguely said I paid around £15-£20 for them a few years ago. Im pleased to say that Amazon still supply them (with slightly different branding) for the princely sum of £13.45 - ... 008MTN9MM/ There are 68 reviews on Amazon with mostly 5 star reviews so its a good place to start if you are interested in getting that flash off your hot shoe :)

I was also using a Yongnuo 560 mk2, although I see the mk3 is now available for £38.99 - ... 00BXA7N6A/ Once again Ive found this flash to be a reliable workhorse and can match the branded Nikon/Canon equivalents.
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Re: Members Eve 2-12-15

Postby Iggy » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 22:31

Thanks Paul for the info on the equipment.
Any suggestion for remote shutter release device for the 70D? I guess it can be done by wi fi from a smartphone too.
Thanks Keith, Paul and Tom for a great evening.
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Paul Heester
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Re: Members Eve 2-12-15

Postby Paul Heester » Fri 04 Dec 2015, 14:36

The triggers I use come with a cable that allows you to trigger the shutter remotely also. Only tried the process once and found its range poor at around 5m indoors. However, the Yongnuo equivalent triggers operate up to 100m from your camera!!!! - ... B00A4SKQFC

Iggy wrote:Thanks Paul for the info on the equipment.
Any suggestion for remote shutter release device for the 70D? I guess it can be done by wi fi from a smartphone too.
Thanks Keith, Paul and Tom for a great evening.
Mike Farley
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Re: Members Eve 2-12-15

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 04 Dec 2015, 22:16

I bought some Yongnuo triggers and a flashgun a couple of years ago, based on the recommendation from David Candlish in his excellent "How to get started in strobism" post. They are inexpensive, of good quality and work well. Some of the information in David's post is out of date and some of the items might no longer be available, but there will be alternatives which are their equivalents.


Mike Farley
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