Photography courses in London

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Photography courses in London

Postby Rose » Wed 28 Oct 2015, 23:17

I mentioned to Ros at this evening's meeting that I spent the weekend on a photography course in London. It's the 3rd course I've done with PhotoIon Photography School and I can highly recommend their tutor, Ion Paciu. He is passionate about teaching people how to find light, create it and use it. He teaches you how to make a photograph, not just take it. He also provides free ongoing support to all his students after every course. The first course I did was on using Speedlites, I then did one on portrait photography using only natural light, and this weekend was a two day affair, learning more about our cameras, working with natural light and with speedlites, composition, exposing correctly and creating low key and high key images, how and when to use filters, making long exposures, experimenting with creative techniques...

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