During the afternoon, I went out with Matt Hart for some street photography. When we got to Borough Market I decided that I needed a slightly wider lens than the one on the camera I was using, so I got out the Fuji X-Pro1 I had brought along. Except that it would not turn on. Fortunately, a Fuji rep was at hand and as he had worked on their help desk he knew exactly what the problem was.
Me: “Excuse me, can you tell me why my camera will not start up?”
Fuji rep: “Have you just charged the battery?”
“Then you have put it back in the wrong way round.”
“You mean that, unlike every other camera manufacturer in the whole of existence, Fuji has designed a battery which can be inserted more than one way around?”
“Actually, there are four possible alignments.”***
So I took the battery out, checked how the contacts lined up and replaced it. And now I know why the battery has a large orange square painted on its bottom.
* And I don’t mean biscuits.****
** It was for a Fuji Experience Day and there were sixty other people, but that doesn’t sound quite the same, does it?
*** I've checked. He was right.
**** At last a footnote for a heading.