I have been trying to make sense of Adobe's statements on the latest update, which are not quite as clear as they could be. I suspect that is due to the company wanting to avoid making an explicit statement that Lightroom 6 is not getting the new features introduced for PS CC and LR CC. The updates are part of ACR 9.1 and while the perpetual licence version of LR moves on to version 6.1, this only appears to include bug fixes together with support for new cameras and lenses.
This is the relevant announcement from Adobe:
http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal ... raphy.htmlOne welcome move is the improvement to X-Trans support, with Adobe saying that it is continuing to collaborate with Fuji to refine its processing of Raw files from cameras with these sensors. This is mentioned in the list of bug fixes for PS, but not for LR. I cannot think that Adobe would do it for one application but not the other, although that is not entirely certain. This is Adobe, after all, and it has a mixed record when it comes to implementing updates, something which was especially apparent when it introduced Creative Cloud.
http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal ... raphy.html