Pro Photography Bill

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Pro Photography Bill

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 07 Apr 2015, 09:04

After the near miss in Arkansas when a bill restricting photography nearly passed into law, Colorado is proposing a statute which allows citizens to photograph police going about their duties.* It would enshrine a right which we already have in this country that a police officer cannot seize a memory card, remove film from a camera or delete images without a court order, but I believe taking photos of police is a grey area.** I recall an incident a while back when someone took shots at the scene of a serious road accident when police intervened on the basis that they believed the photographer was behaving insensitively towards the relatives of the victim. Morally I cannot help but agree with the police, but I am not sure that in this instance they were acting within their legal bounds. ... ord-police

* According to the report, Texas is planning a law which would have the opposite effect. With laws diffreing so widely in separate states, it must get quite confusing when travelling around the US.

** Post a response if you know for certain, not that what the law states stops some police officers acting outside their powers if an individual takes exception.

Mike Farley
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