I have been using a Wacom pen & tablet for photo editing for about 15 years and wouldn't do without it. It's just so much easier and accurate to work with a pen than a mouse. I recently decided it was time to get a new tablet though, which I bought at the Photography Show on Saturday.
Needless to say I couldn't resist unboxing it on Sunday and it is now up and running

All the basic settings are done - I will use it for a bit before deciding exactly what functions I want to programme into the buttons for different applications. Initial impressions are excellent. It's worlds away from my old one. It's wireless. It's also a touchpad which functions the same as my Mac touchpad, so I can now put that on one side and use the tablet instead, saving space on the desktop. I was worried about the size of the active area as it's smaller than my original one, but I'm not finding that an issue. The pen is pressure sensitive, so dodging and burning in PS really feels like painting light & shadows on an image. I can zoom with one finger on the touch ring so I don't need to keep going back to the menu to zoom in/out on an image or change the size of an adjustment brush. BTW the tablet is ambidextrous too so if you're left handed you just turn it round and set it up left handed.
Some friends of mine went to the show on Sunday and two of them came away with the same Wacom tablet. It's this one:
http://uk.shop.wacom.eu/products/intuos ... oseLayer=1