Historic motor racing photo

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Peter Boughton
Posts: 335
Joined: Wed 22 Aug 2012, 13:35

Re: Historic motor racing photo

Postby Peter Boughton » Thu 11 Jul 2019, 23:10

The race programme had most of the calculations already done, for the Handicap section - all I did was check the distance on a map and line up the numbers after subtracting 1.5 miles worth of time for each car.
It does assume they'd be going flat out for that distance, but since it's the last bend of the circuit that seems reasonable. Calculating for elsewhere on the track would have required a bit more effort.

It's definitely interesting what can be gleaned from just the one photograph, plus the information people put online.

It's actually making me think of doing a puzzle site - where one person uploads a photo with known details, and others compete to see how close they can get in location and time, and it works out some way of giving a score based on how close they guess and how many clues the image contains.

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