Sigma Raw Conversion Photoshop Plugin

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Sigma Raw Conversion Photoshop Plugin

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 28 Dec 2018, 11:36

I am probably the only person on this forum who is excited by the news that Sigma has released a Photoshop plug-in to process the Raw files from its more recent Foveon sensors. If you can live with the downsides, which are many, used within their limitations the Sigma Merrill* cameras are capable of producing results which are quite unlike anything else. This move is a significant advance as it eliminates one of the hassles when it comes to producing images. The Sigma software, which leaves a lot to be desired, is one of the very few options for converting the Raw files, especially for Windows. In the past, I have resorted to using it solely for producing TIFFs before importing them into Lighroom where I make most of the adjustments. That is not ideal in terms of maximising image quality. ... -photoshop

It does look as though some of the Merriil cameras might be acquiring cult status, if the asking prices on eBay are anything to go by. I am sure that they were more reasonably priced not so long ago.

* I cannot speak for the latest models with the Quattro sensor, but some of those do have the option to produce Raw files in DNG format which is compatible with many image editors.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Sigma Raw Conversion Photoshop Plugin

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 29 Dec 2018, 08:27

Hi Steve

Well, I never thought there would be another club member sufficiently enthused to have such an eccentric camera. Which version did you get? There is the original DP2, DP2X, DP2 Merrill (the one I have along with DP3 Merrill) and the DP2 Quattro. The new Sigma Photoshop plug-in will only work with the last two. Adobe Camera Raw is already compatible with the first two models, which share the same sensor.

You will enjoy this video on YouTube which, although a bit tongue in cheek, gives a fairly accurate impression of what it is like to use a Sigma Merrill. I particularly liked Nick Devlin's succinct description at the beginning of the camera:

There has also been extensive discussion of the DP2M on this forum:


Good luck with the camera. Using it can be a PITA, but the results are definitely worthwhile.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Sigma Raw Conversion Photoshop Plugin

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 29 Dec 2018, 19:39

Hi Steve

The DP2 Merrill is a good choice and it has the best optics of the fixed lens models. Using it like a film camera is a good approach, especially as the Foveon sensor has three layers to record red, green and blue for each pixel. It is the most film like of the available sensor designs and is the main reason for the dramatic reduction in performance as ISO increases.

I appreciate that David Candlish devised a long list of issues and many of them reflect my own observations. Some, such as colour casts, I do not recognise and might be a consequence of error on the part of the reviewer rather than a fault with the camera. The problem with the Internet is that people often promote themselves as being experts when they do not have the requisite knowledge and/or experience. Also, improvements were made via firmware updates and some problems were corrected or ameliorated during the life of the DP Merrills. A review based on the initial firmware could easily become outdated. AF was one beneficiary of the changes. Initially it was poor but became much more usable after an upgrade. Anyone buying the camera is likely aware of the shortcomings and adjusts their utilisation accordingly, as you plan to do.

Good luck with it. I look forward to finding out how you get on.

Mike Farley
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