Pictures wanted for 14 November Informal Critique

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Peter Boughton
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Re: Pictures wanted for 14 November Informal Critique

Postby Peter Boughton » Sat 17 Nov 2018, 22:57

I'm not asking for an explanation, I was simply pointing out that a C out of B,B,B is mathematically impossible using the three category system originally described, (which does not remove 10% of the score for "Judge's Discretion").

It is most likely that there was simply a typing error and the intended grades were C,B,B (and/or that Bronze starting with B caused confusion).

Mike wrote:
Peter Boughton wrote:I don't think there should be an excess focus on judges and what they do, but more on the process of how/why an image is good or not.

Not sure I'm clear with what I'm sayting there, but for example page 8 of the PDF you shared earlier in the thread has "What judges should be looking for?", which is an interesting and relatively concise set of criteria for judging, and at the same time provides a set of questions that photographers can ask themselves both at the capture stage and when deciding if/how to process an image.

This is one of the areas which I want to explore in the talk which I am giving at the club in February.

Ah, and there I was thinking "Your Best Shot" might be an invitation to throw rotten tomatoes... ;)
Mike Farley
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Re: Pictures wanted for 14 November Informal Critique

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 18 Nov 2018, 07:51

Peter Boughton wrote:It is most likely that there was simply a typing error and the intended grades were C,B,B (and/or that Bronze starting with B caused confusion).

The maths is correct in so far as it goes but the logic is faulty. No allowance has been made for the extra 10% "judge's discretion", so not all the marks have been accounted for. On the basis that the image has scored B in the two top categories, it should have achieved at least 7.5. Added to 69.5, that is sufficient to take it over the line into a B overall.

Peter Boughton wrote:Ah, and there I was thinking "Your Best Shot" might be an invitation to throw rotten tomatoes... ;)

Ah, the traditional Croydon Camera Club welcome ....... :lol:

Mike Farley
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Re: Pictures wanted for 14 November Informal Critique

Postby Iggy » Mon 19 Nov 2018, 10:01

Peter said:
I don't think there should be an excess focus on judges and what they do, but more on the process of how/why an image is good or not.

You are right on that score. That is the best way to proceed.

Mike said:
No allowance has been made for the extra 10% "judge's discretion", so not all the marks have been accounted for.

In a previous email to me, Roger said that he was using the A, B & C ratings (55%, 30% & 15%) for the different elements of the assessment (Narrative, Composition and Technical) and in the end he gave an overall Gold, Silver or Bronze assessment resulting in 1 gold, 5 silvers and 10 bronzes. The scoring reflected a comparison and ranking amongst the images and the scores could be different if compared to different images although the element scores (ABC) would not change.
That's where Judge's discretion comes into it!

I have been in email contact with some judges who have visited us recently and 2 have kindly responded. For the most part they use a similar system for marking. For these experienced judges, marking is second nature to them, so much so that they do not physically give points for each element of the image which they then add up. Rather, they have trained their brains to do all that mentally without too much effort, and come up with an overall assessment in around 2 minutes. Obviously judges' preferences and discretion come in to play and sometimes they might miss the plot, but then they are only human.

Roger's workshop was presented to give us some knowledge of a marking scheme and what to look out for to try and improve our images for competition. It was also there to show us the difficulty a judge has in assigning results to 50+ images in an hour and a half.

For the most part though, we take photos for our own pleasure and because we enjoy the hobby.

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Re: Pictures wanted for 14 November Informal Critique

Postby Iggy » Mon 19 Nov 2018, 19:33

Here is the image awarded Gold.
Silvers to follow,
8B2-By The Pier - Gold.jpg
8B2-By The Pier - Gold.jpg (114.71 KiB) Viewed 2725 times
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Re: Pictures wanted for 14 November Informal Critique

Postby Iggy » Tue 20 Nov 2018, 12:41

Here are some images that were awarded Silver.
1A2-Abandoned Boat - Silver.jpg
1A2-Abandoned Boat - Silver.jpg (128.68 KiB) Viewed 2719 times
6A2-Smiling Tamyka - Silver.jpg
6A2-Smiling Tamyka - Silver.jpg (51.65 KiB) Viewed 2719 times
7A2-I went to Dungeness and found this - Silver.jpg
7A2-I went to Dungeness and found this - Silver.jpg (182.31 KiB) Viewed 2719 times
Posts: 1215
Joined: Thu 09 Apr 2015, 09:48

Re: Pictures wanted for 14 November Informal Critique

Postby Iggy » Tue 20 Nov 2018, 12:44

And a further two.
12A2-Great white Egret - Silver.jpg
12A2-Great white Egret - Silver.jpg (39.23 KiB) Viewed 2719 times
15A2-Green Bag - Silver.jpg
15A2-Green Bag - Silver.jpg (50.17 KiB) Viewed 2719 times

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