magic realism at the Tate Modern

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magic realism at the Tate Modern

Postby waconquy » Mon 12 Nov 2018, 18:56

Hi all I have just got back from viewing an exhibition of paintings at the Tate Modern by artists of the Weimar Republic 1919 - 1933.
These artists went through the same traumas our people went through during the 1st World War.
You could see the angst in their paintings, beautifully real in a caricaturish way, getting away from the Expressionists
the previous generation but with a feel for them. The first two images were called 'A Married Couple' and 'Self Portrait with Model.'
These were done in the 30's by George Grosz and show a short , fat old couple walking down the street probably quite prosperous by now ,
but you feel Grosz is saying you wait a while and you won't be so smug for long.
The second one is Grosz facing the viewer with wrinkled brow and myopic sad eyes, you feel he is still thinking of the war and all its terrors,
The model has her back to you but is virtually showing everything with stockings and a short negligee. It should be quite depraved as the Weimar
period is known for. But it isn't, its quite sweet really, how an artist does that is a mystery to me.
The rest are very interesting and I reccommend the exhibition. Its on the fourth floor and is free until February next year.

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