print competitions and screen

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print competitions and screen

Postby waconquy » Thu 13 Sep 2018, 18:38

I thought we might start talking about the print presentation that we had last night. Personally I thought it was quite awkward. The screen took up a lot of space which we could have used to better advantage putting up more prints. When we have a proper ( monthly ) comp there will be a lot more prints to put up. The print stand was in an awkward position as if it wasn't important, away in the corner all cramped , its an insult to print workers who spend a lot of time and money presenting there work .
What about when we do an SLF presentation ? We are not doing a PDI comp.
Also when we have a new stand for the prints which has been designed to hang where the screen is now we will not be able to use the screen. If we use the screen it will have to be the screen on the stand we used to have at the side. To me that is the only solution IF WE USE A SCREEN. I noticed the judge was looking at the screen even though he said the print was the important thing to view. Its too big and competes with a 400 x 500 mount.
So I think we gave it a try and it doesn't quite work. Please lets go back to the status quo. I have had my say, so lets sort this out.
Regards Wally

Moderator's comment by Mike. This topic has been locked as it duplicates an existing thread.

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