This Changes Everything?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

This Changes Everything?

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 22 May 2018, 08:36

Photography, along with drawing and painting, shows the creator's vision in just two dimensions, although we experience the world in four, the fourth being time. It is both a strength of the art form and a limitation. It is not immersive and the viewer is always at a distance. Some years ago, I went to an exhibition at the Tate Modern where a Japanese artist had created an installation using lights which it was possible to walk through. It was an amazing and magical sensory experience. What if we could do something similar with a photograph and put the viewer inside? It would transform them into a participant.

The technology which would allow us to do that is probably still some years away. Yes, virtual reality is currently possible but that requires a viewing device which isolates the wearer from everyone else around them. What I am thinking of is more along the lines of the holodeck from the Star Trek Next generation TV series. RED will shortly be launching its revolutionary Hydrogen One mobile phone which comes with a holographic screen. For now, how that will look is being kept under wraps, but this could be the start of something and not just limited to photography.

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