Adobe ACR Profiles Update

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Adobe ACR Profiles Update

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 04 Apr 2018, 09:27

Since introducing its X series of cameras, Fuji had an option to produce in camera JPEGs using simulations of its film stocks, both colour and monochrome. Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) also featured those simulations in the Camera Calibration panel and I found them to be a useful starting point when processing images. Usually I stick with Provia or Astia. I find that Velvia is useful when there are a lot of green tones in a shot, but can introduce unwanted magenta hues for other scenes.

Until now, every manufacturers' Raw file had at least one profile called "Adobe Standard", although most had others as well. (One exception was my old and now departed Panasonic G3 which had just a single profile.) In those cases, I have usually stuck with either "Adobe Standard" or "Camera Standard", as the others were never that useful. Leica Raw files have two, with "Embedded" being the other option. I have always assumed that creates images based on Leica's in camera JPEG processing and has normally been my preference.

With its latest update, Adobe has updated its Camera Profiles to add many more options and claims that they are an improvement on "Adobe Standard" which has been around for 10 years and is still there. There are also new creative profiles which allow the introduction of different effects. The position of the profiles has changed as well. They used to be on the lowest tab which meant, counterintuitively, that the starting point for processing meant scrolling down to the bottom of the edit panel. They now have a more logical position at the top.

Further details are available from all the usual sources of what Adobe claims is a "massive update". The links below are for the announcement from DPReview and an article from PetaPixel which takes a closer look at the new profiles. I have yet to test the new profiles as I prefer to let updates, especially from Adobe, bed down and allow others find any problems. That said, Adobe's testing appears to have become more comprehensive than it used to be and I cannot recall any recent bug fix releases. ... -lightroom ... -profiles/

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Adobe ACR Profiles Update

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 05 Apr 2018, 15:11

A contrary view from Thom Hogan which is less than enthusiastic about the changes Adobe has made. He does make the interesting comment that Adobe is starting to feel the pressure from the likes of on1 and Skylum. Long may that continue, I say. The end user can only benefit from the increased competition which, ironically, Adobe itself has fostered through its move to the subscription only pricing model. ... oving.html

Mike Farley
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