Charlie Cramer On Luminous Landscape

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Charlie Cramer On Luminous Landscape

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 05 Apr 2018, 14:45

For the past few months, the Luminous Landscape website has been publishing a series of videos which were shot when LuLa CEO Kevin Raber spent a week with master landscape photographer Charlie Cramer. As a lesson in seeing and post processing, taking an image from scene to finished print, it is superb and has a lot to offer. It might still be possible to download the videos free of charge by bypassing the Lula picket fence paywall, but an annual subscrioption is only $12. That equates to around £9 in proper money and provides access to all the other Lula content as well. For the cost of three or four coffees, it could be the best investment in your photography you will ever make. ... es-cramer/

If you want to see just how good a photographer Charlie Cramer is, below is a link to his website. I have a signed print of the lovely "Aspen In Fog" image which features on the home page and one of the LuLa videos shows the processing which went into it.

Mike Farley
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