The Perfect Sensor?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

The Perfect Sensor?

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 24 Feb 2018, 08:24

It is theoretically possible to make a "perfect" digital sensor that records light as accurately as is possible. It all but eliminates noise and the lens is the constraining factor in how much detail is captured. It sounds promising, but such a development might never make it into a camera. The reason? Existing sensors are already very good and are the product of the combined effort of thousands of engineers. Any new technology will have to be compellingly better to justify the investment required to implement it. On its own, because we can is not a sufficient rationale.

There is an article on DPReview which goes into greater detail. It is technical in nature but written in terms which the layman can comprehend. It is well worth a read by anyone with an interest in the physical science which underpins photography and makes it possible. What I found fascinating was reference to work undertaken by Hurter and Driffield in 1890 which illustrates for how long some of the scientific principles have been understood. Human knowledge is the sum of not just decades but centuries of research. ... to-cameras

Mike Farley
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