Print boxes

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Steve B
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Print boxes

Postby Steve B » Wed 20 Dec 2017, 13:51

I would like to buy a heavy duty print box to store and carry my mounted prints - example here.

I have seen some members with them. I can source one online easily enough but would prefer to pick one up locally - London or Croydon. Does anyone know where I can get one?

Mike Farley
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Re: Print boxes

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 20 Dec 2017, 15:48

They are not a readily available item and Nomad (based in Market Harborough) is the company from which most people buy their print boxes. Nowadays prices include carriage; in the past there used to be a delivery charge which started at £14. ... 0page.html

There are discounts for multiple purchases if people want to club together to save a bit of money. I would go for the Heavy Duty ones with a web handle which makes them easier to carry. The 4" depth is the best compromise between capacity and weight. A well filled print box is surprisingly heavy.

The company is always at The Photography Show at the NEC and I usually purchase from them there which gives a useful saving. Why not come along on the trip I am organising? You will probably save enough to cover the train fare and it is a great day out.


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Re: Print boxes

Postby davidb » Wed 20 Dec 2017, 16:38

I certainly need one 4inch HD box. If enough people are interested I could put together an order. (The last time I did this was the beginning of 2016 and five people including myself and the Camera Club clubbed together to get the best deal.)

So it looks like 2 boxes so far

Steve Brooker
David Beard

Webbing handles and, I suggest, the foam sheets for protection are extra.

Anyone else?

Incidentally, the order would be made from

where all the prices exclude VAT and carriage (which is £12 no matter how big or small the order).

David A Beard.
Steve B
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Re: Print boxes

Postby Steve B » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 17:23

David - thanks for offering to organise a bulk purchase. If we go ahead, I would wish to purchase two of the 6" heavy duty boxes with web handles. For me it is as much a storage issue as a transportation one, so I will fill the boxes to the level my muscles can take!

Mike - on the photography show, I'm tempted but it clashes with my mum's birthday weekend so need to agree with the family which day we have our traditional meal out! I'll be in a position to confirm after Xmas.

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Re: Print boxes

Postby davidb » Thu 21 Dec 2017, 18:06

Steve B wrote:For me it is as much a storage issue as a transportation one, so I will fill the boxes to the level my muscles can take!

Same for me but my limit is 4inches :)

David A Beard.
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Re: Print boxes

Postby GrahamL » Wed 03 Jan 2018, 12:27

Hi David,

I'd be interested in purchasing one 5" heavy duty box (6959/HD/5). Would be using it for mounted prints, not quite as heavy as straight card storage. Would like to include the optional foam and velcro pads.

Many thanks,

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Re: Print boxes

Postby GrahamL » Wed 03 Jan 2018, 12:33

Whoops, forget to add the webbing handles option.

Thanks again,

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Postby davidb » Wed 03 Jan 2018, 12:41


I've put you down for one 5" with web handles and 2 sheets of foam. I already have some velcro pads which you're welcome to.

The carriage charge will be split equally between participants of this order; the more people that order, the less the cost.

I'm not too sure when I'll actually make the order.

David A Beard.
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Re: Print boxes

Postby Michaelplatts » Thu 18 Jan 2018, 11:34


I would like to add to the print box order.

2 4" Print boxes with webbing handles plus foam sheets.


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Re: Print boxes

Postby davidb » Fri 19 Jan 2018, 00:32

Thanks Michael - your requirements are noted.

David A Beard.

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