PhotoEntry Feedback

General discussion and anything that isn't covered by the other categories.
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 26 Oct 2017, 14:43

Iggy wrote:It is also helpful to have the facility of putting up the print competition images on the PhotoEntry site for one's own benefit (that others cannot see?).

Apologies, Iggy, I missed this when you originally posted. Members are only able to view their own images.

There is a facility to allow access to individual competitions which our digital projectionists are responsible for running, but that is no different to the system we used previously. In fact there are are a couple of improvements. There is a direct interface PhotoEntry and DiCentra (the competition software) so there is no longer any need to download entries first to get them ready. In addition, PhotoEntry has a facility to limit the period during which projectionists have access rights. We have not yet finalised the new procedures, but the duration will likely be around two weeks before the competition and a similar period afterwards.

Mike Farley
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