Mountboard Purchase 2017

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Mountboard Purchase 2017

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 19 Sep 2017, 13:02

The saga continues.

Wessex brought the outstanding Nubord missing from the previous delivery. Hooray! They also bought some additional sheets of pulp board I had been asked to get. Hooray again! I had also ordered five additional sheets of Nubord, but what I got were five small sheets cut 30 cm square. Eh?

It turns out that by paying a bit extra, Nubord can be trimmed to custom sizes, although I had definitely not asked for this. The upside of this inadvertent discovery is that it is an option which we might want to think about next time, given the struggle most people have in cutting it.

I will bring the board to the club tomorrow, although the person who asked for the five additional sheets of Nubord will have to wait until next week, unfortunately.

For whatever reason, this year's order from Wessex is starting to resemble "The Neverending Story". Just as I think everything is complete, there is yet another twist. One day, maybe ......

Mike Farley
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