Big Changes to macOS

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Big Changes to macOS

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 15 Jun 2017, 08:46

The forthcoming High Sierra release for macOS has some big changes afoot. The one which will probably affect us photographers is the withdrawal of support for 32 bit applications in 2019. It turns out that some applications such as Photoshop which I thought were fully 64 bit have 32 bit components. That will probably not be a big deal for supported software as developers will have sufficient notice to make the necessary changes. One suite of applications which will not be updated, as Google has withdrawn support, is the Nik Collection which is 32 bit. Did Google's recent announcement have anything to do with prior knowledge of Apple's plans?

More details from Thom Hogan - ... ition.html.

One application I do wonder about is Sigma's Digital Photo Pro software, which for many people is the only option to convert Raw files from their cameras which all have Foveon sensors. That, too, is 32 bit and has a number of issues. Will Sigma take the opportunity to improve the software as part of the 64 bit update? And if they do, will they continue support for legacy cameras? Admittedly, it is not an issue for most people but it will matter for those of us who have bought the cameras in the past.

Mike Farley
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