"Weekend" Photography Locations

General discussion and anything that isn't covered by the other categories.
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

"Weekend" Photography Locations

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 20 Apr 2017, 08:22

Some are a bit too far away for a weekend, but all have potential for anyone considering a longer trip. In terms of a club outing, the Yorkshire Dales and Bristol + Bath are feasible. We have already visited the Brecon Beacons, but there is no reason not to return if there is sufficient interst.

http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/la ... eak-104470

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)
Posts: 806
Joined: Sun 16 Sep 2012, 18:09

Re: "Weekend" Photography Locations

Postby Rose » Thu 20 Apr 2017, 17:09

I had a great day with a couple of friends in Bristol recently. Lots to photograph around the old docks and in town too. If you come down this way let me know and I'll join you :)

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