BBQ 27TH JULY 2016

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BBQ 27TH JULY 2016

Postby walterconquy » Fri 08 Jul 2016, 16:25

Hullo all, by now everybody should know there will be a BBQ on the 27th July 2016.
You are all welcome from 7.00pm. If you are coming by car please bring a seat a plate, cutlery wine if you desire it and yourselves. The cost will be £6. There will be a quiz, as some people wanted it, this time there will be images by famous photographers hanging up and you can look at them all evening, the photographers names will be handed to you and you have to put image to photographer. You have to get the best of 25 but there will be 44 images so you have quite a choice.
If you know the titles, bearing in mind not all of them have titles, and if there is a draw, the most photos with titles will be
the winner. First and second will win money left over from the £6.
Good luck everyone, and let the best man/woman win.
I shall be collecting for the last time on wednesday 13th, you can ring me to book a place no later than monday 25th july, if you can't get there this wednesday and give me the money on the night. But I do need numbers of people coming so I have enough food. Hope you enjoy the evening, BBQ will be enjoyable by the input of the guests.
Regards all WALLY
ps. my address is 16, Bennetts Way, Shirley CR0 8AA, tel: 020 8777 1318, very near to the club.
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Re: BBQ 27TH JULY 2016

Postby Franke07 » Fri 08 Jul 2016, 18:47

Hi Wally, thank you for the invitation, you can count me in.
Thanks Frank

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