CCC Photo Challenge Overview

A forum where members can post their favourite image taken each month. (This forum was originally created for a set of monthly challenges to which the earlier posts relate.)
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CCC Photo Challenge Overview

Postby ADMIN » Wed 26 Sep 2018, 23:22

Throughout the year there will be twelve photographic challenges, where members share their choice of a single photo for the set theme.

There are 3 club challenges which will be held on scheduled Wednesday evenings. Images for these are submitted through PhotoEntry.
There are 8 online challenges which do not have a set deadline - but hints and tips will be shared for a different challenge each month to help members focus on that challenge together. You can always come back to any you miss later in the year.

Each challenge will have its own thread, containing relevant information for that topic, and is where:
  • members post their chosen image
  • can give and receive feedback
  • can discuss that challenge in general.
If you're unsure about anything to do with the challenges, ask in the Questions thread.
If you have more than one image, you're welcome to use the Photo Sharing section to share.

Note: The club challenge threads are locked until after the club nights have occurred.

  1. London Parks - online challenge
    We have access to amazing parks, landscape, people, wildlife galore. Show us what you found when you went to visit.
  2. Home - club challenge - Wednesday 7th November 2018
    Show us what this means to you. Upload to PhotoEntry by Sunday 4th November
  3. Cutlery - online challenge
    Everyday object, and some say the principle of civilization. Show us something new and different.
  4. Post-processing - online challenge
    Give that filter or complex technique you wanted to try a go. Or even try some of the filters you can get on mobile phones. Let us know how you get on.
  5. Change your genre - online challenge
    Shoot a genre type of photography you don’t normally do.
  6. Time - online challenge
    Photography plays with time. We can freeze action, turn water milky through long exposure, or even show changes over time with time-lapse photography. Show us time your way.
  7. Idea from club night - online challenge
    You know that idea you liked from one of the talks at photography club... give it a go and show us how you got on...
  8. Abstract - club challenge - Wednesday 1st May 2019
    Shapes, light and shadow. Something different. What did you see? Upload to PhotoEntry by Midnight 29th April
  9. Fruit and Veg - online challenge
    They are good for you right? They are also colourful and some are well a bit weird. Show us your take.
  10. Camera functions - online challenge
    You know that camera function or button you always wanted to try, or know what it does. Now's your chance.
  11. Practical session - Wednesday 13th March 2019
    Details to be released later.
  12. Inspired by Masters - club challenge - Wednesday 3rd July 2019
    Go to a gallery or a museum and be inspired... show us the result. Upload to PhotoEntry by Monday 1st July

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